Intro to Compilers


  • Fortrans : the first compiler
  • Led to an enormous body of theoretical
  • Mordern compilers preserve the outline of FORTRAN I

Compilers Structure

  1. Lexical Analysis
  2. Parsing
  3. Semantic Analysis
  4. Optimization
  5. Code Generation

Lexical analysis divideds program text into “words” or “tokens”

An implement must do two things:

  1. Recognize substrings corresponding to tokens (The lexemes)
  2. Identify the token class of each lexeme


  • S: a set of characters
  • A: a set of strings drawn from S
  • Epsilon: set with a single, empty string
  • A+B: {s s from A or s from B}
  • AB: {ab: a from A and b from B}
  • A*: A出现任意次

Finite Automata

Transition In state S1 on input a go to state S2 If end of input and in accepting state => accept Otherwise =>terminates in not accepting state or get stuck => reject

Langage of a FA = set of accept states

DFA: Deterministic Finite Automata

NFA: Nondeterministic Finite Automata


we need

  • A language for describing valid strings of tokens
  • A method for distinguishing valid from invalid strings of tokens

Programming languges have recursive structure

A CFG consists of

  • A set of terminals: T
  • A set of non-terminals: N
  • A start symbol: S
  • A set of productions: X -> Y1..Yn (X is N, Y is N+T+{epsilon})