1. 改变当前目录所有文件名
    for i in `ls`; do cp $i "${i:10}" -r; done
  2. 定义~/.bashrc, 重启bash即可生效
    export CLICOLOR=1
    export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
    alias cdi="cd ~/IdeaProjects"
    alias ls="ls --color=auto"
    alias cdb="cd ~/IdeaProjects/blog"
    alias vib="vi `ls ~/IdeaProjects/blog/content/posts/* -dt $PWD/* |head -n 1`"
  3. exec bash, 刷新bash

    The exec command completely replaces the shell process by running the specified command-line. In our example, it replaces whatever the current shell is with a fresh instance of bash (with the updated configuration files).

  4. 获取当前文件夹下全路径文件名
    ls -d $PWD/*